AEWG-64: Princeton, NJ, September 26-28, 2023


AEWG-64: Meeting Announcement

The Conference will be held in

Princeton, NJ, USA

September 26-28, 2023

AEWG general meetings are open to all interested individuals.

This site ( hosts latest information for the upcoming AEWG meeting.

Also provided for free download is the Journal of AE (JAE), all editions since Volume 1 to 36,
as well as contents and index information, searchable for word/term/author!

The meeting is open to all individuals interested in acoustic emission technology and applications. Talks describing AE applications in any field, as well as advances in AE fundamentals, sensing, and signal processing, are invited. In keeping with the working group character of the meeting, discussion of work in process is particularly welcome.  Students may submit an extended abstract for consideration for the AEWG Student Award.

Topics will cover all the areas of acoustic emission research, development and applications, including but not limited to:
  • Wave propagation of AE source mechanisms
  • Infrastructure and health monitoring
  • AE for composites
  • Advances in AE instrumentation and sensors
  • AE for materials/structure damage mechanics
  • AE applications for large scale structural testing
  • Novel signal processing approaches
  • Material research, fracture and fatigue failure mechanisms
  • Geosciences and rock mechanics
  • Orthopedics and biomechanics
  • Manufacturing applications
  • Diagnostic techniques & procedures
  • Codes and standards development
  • AE theories, methods, validation and verification

Workshop themes:

  • Acoustic Emission instrumentation, data processing and nondestructive/structural health monitoring applications
  • Acoustic Emission for materials/structural damage monitoring and identification
  • Analytical, numerical and computational modeling as well as validation of Acoustic Emission source and wave propagation effects



Meeting date: September 26-28, 2023
Program: AEWG-64 Agenda (Sep 05, 2023, PDF)
Call For Abstracts: Talks describing AE applications in any field, as well as advances in AE fundamentals, sensing, and signal processing, are invited.  In keeping with the working group character of the meeting, discussion of work in process is particularly welcome. As the 60th anniversary of AEWG is approaching, historical or retrospective talks on AE theory, technology, and personalities are particularly welcomed.
  • Abstract submission deadline extended to June 30, 2023
  • Please send your abstract to and
  • The language used in this event is English, so please write your paper in English.The author will be notified within one month after submission of the papers.
Adrian Pollock
Student Award
Students are encouraged to submit a paper for Adrian Pollock Student Award Competition consideration.
Primer: There will be a free of charge primer to discuss Remote AE Monitoring Strategies presented by Mistras Group Personnel. 

The event will take place at  Mistras Group Headquarters on Monday September 25, 2023 (1 to 4 PM EST). During the event monitoring strategies and practices will be discussed and several examples of long term and continuous monitoring projects will be presented. A limited number of seats are available.

To register please contact Obdulia Ley at
Venue and Hotel Information: The conference will be held at 

Crowne Plaza Princeton-Conference Center
900 Scudders Mill Rd
Plainsboro, NJ 08536

Room: Witherspoon C (2nd Floor)

Please note breakfast buffet is served  starting 7:30 AM at the Waterfront -Lower level. A map of the venue can be found in the last page of the program.

We have secured rooms at a discounted rate during the week of the conference:

 $127.00 per night plus sales taxes 

Group code:  AEW (Booking Link)

An alternate way of booking a room is to go on the hotel website, place correct dates and use the code: AEW under the group rate - group or call the hotel directly (+1-609-936 4200) to obtain the special pricing.
Registration: The registration fee includes in person meeting sessions held
  • September 26 - 28, 2023,
  • social event on Monday, September 25,
  • banquet on September 26,
  • coffee and lunch breaks. 
At this time, we are evaluating the capability to offer virtual attendance to the meeting. Please let us know your preferences by emailing

General Registration: $350
Student Registration: $200
Virtual Registration: Offering TBD

Registration for AEWG-64
Meeting Host and
Program Chair:
Valery Godinez-Azcuaga, PhD.
Vice President, Engineering and Product Development
Mistras Group, Inc.
Phone: +1 (281) 224 1042


55  years passed since the first meeting of Acoustic Emission Working Group (AEWG) was held in Idaho Falls, on February 8, 1968.
AEWG had its beginning in a discussion between Allen T. Green (then at Aerojet-General Corp., later at Acoustic Technology Group) and Jack Spanner (then at Battelle Northwest). Spanner arranged for a formative meeting of interested parties to be held in Alcoa, TN, on November 2, 1967.
The 12 people in attendance agreed to hold the first meeting in Idaho Falls in three months. At that time, eight others (T. Theodore Anderson, Thomas F. Drouilliard, Robert B. Engle. Robert G. Liptai, O.K. Mitchell, R. Neal Ord. Ronald E. Ringsmith and Richard K. Steele) joined to become the charter members of the AEWG.

The photo is from the AEWG formative meeting; top, from left Robert Moss. Boeing Scientific Research Lab. (Seattle) -deceased; Dwight Parry, Phillips Petroleum (Idaho Falls); Norm K. Sowards, Same; Harold Dunegan -deceised, Lawrence Radillion Lab. (Livermore); Brad H. Schofield, Teledyne Materials Research. (Waltham); Phil H. Hutton. Battelle Northwest (Richland); Allen Green. Aerojet-General Corp. (Sacramento); Herb N. Pederson. Battelle-Northwest (Richland); bottom, from left; Charles Musser, Boeing Michaud (New Orleans) -deceased; Jack Spanner, Battelle-Northwest (Richland)· Julian Frederick. Univ. of Michigan (Ann Arbor) -deceased; Not in picture, Harvey Balderson. Boeing Commercial Aircraft; deceased.  Baldemm took this picture. Also invited to the meeting, but not attended: C. Hartbower, Aerojet-General. W .R. Sturrock. Boeing. C. Tatto, Lawrence Radiation Lab.
More historic pictures...